wxWidgets-3.2.1 built libs

wxWidgets-3.2.1 is an official stable release of the framework made on 2022-09-09.

The official announcement can be read here

The libs are available in the following configurations:

  • Gcc-7.3.0 / Gcc-8.1.0 / Gcc-9.2.0-TDM / Gcc-10.3.0-TDM / Gcc-12.2.0
  • 32 bits / 64 bits
  • Debug / Release
  • Dynamic / Static
  • Monolithic / Multi-libs

Each archive contains a version "Release" and a version "Debug" of the libs

For the installation, you can refer to the article on this page.

Note that the libs build with Gcc use the "SJLJ" exceptions propagation method for 32 bits builds and "SEH" one for 64 bits (witch is the default mode for the TDM versions).

Gcc-7.3.0 can be downloaded on this page for the 32 bits version and on this page for the 64 bits one.
Gcc-8.1.0 can be downloaded on this page for the 32 bits version and on this page for the 64 bits one.
Gcc-9.2.0-TDM and Gcc-10.3.0-TDM can be downloaded on this Github page.
Gcc-12.2.0 corresponds to the version actually provided with MSYS2.

Download links

Here are the download links for the packages of this version.

Please, do not include theses links in any website without telling me about before.

Mandatory package (choose one of them)

Optionnal package

Gcc-7.3.0 - 32 bits

Gcc-7.3.0 - 64 bits

Gcc-8.1.0 - 32 bits

Gcc-8.1.0 - 64 bits

Gcc-9.2.0-TDM - 32 bits

Gcc-9.2.0-TDM - 64 bits

Gcc-10.3.0-TDM - 32 bits

Gcc-10.3.0-TDM - 64 bits

Gcc-12.2.0 - 32 bits

Gcc-12.2.0 - 64 bits